Sunday, February 12, 2012

Electric Forest Festival 2012

OH MY GOD!! I would do just about ANYTHING to attend The Electric Forest Festival in Rothbury, Michigan. This festival runs June 28th - July 1st and their 2012 initial headliners have just been announced. I am most excited for Bassnectar, Major Lazer, Zed's Dead, Girl Talk, 12th Planet, Borgore and The M Machine. Spending a summer weekend camping and listening to amazing music is definitely my cup of tea.

To view the whole lineup CLICK HERE

Although tickets are a little pricey, they offer a Work Exchange Team where you can work 12 hours a day throughout the weekend and go to the festival FOR FREE! They offer work in departments such as art, information, hospitality and VIP. And get this: you still can attend the entire festival without missing anything. This reminds me a bit of Bonnaroo's exchange program. You also have the option of joining their street team and competing for a ticket by promoting online.

For me, the idea of ridiculously colored lights + wilderness + electronic music is worth any price! Check out my favorite photos below (from their website) from their past years:

My favorite song by The M Machine - Promise Me A Rose Garden. On one of my favorite record labels, OWSLA!


  1. This looks absolutely nuts. I WISH i could get to Michigan to go. Kind of looks like a dream festival. I'm excited enough to go to Bamboozle and Warped. Thanks for informing me of this! :)

  2. No problem!! and yesss me too :) Bamboozle is ten minutes away from my house so I'm definitely pumped

  3. Anyone attending Electric Forest this year absolutely must check this out!! It looks soooo dope! You can use promo code 2NDCHANCE to receive half off!
